Specified Skilled Worker program

SSW Visa


Qualification of SSW visa

In order to work as specified skills worker, you must meet certain skill levels. There are two ways to prove it. The first is to prove that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No.2. The other is to pass The Specific Skills Evaluation Test in the field that you want to work.

1. Successfully completed TITP2

<Condition to be issued>
(1)To Complete the Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) 2 and pass the examination of Skills Certification Level 3 (随時技能検定3級).
(2)If you fail to pass the test, you need a letter of recommendation from your Japanese trainer.

<Type of job that you can work>
Care Worker, Building cleaning, Management, Machine Parts & Tooling Industries, Industrial machinery industry, Electric, Electronics and Information Industries, Construction Industry, Shipbuilding and Ship Machinery Industry, Automobile repair and maintenance, Aviation Industry, Holel Industry, Agriculture, Fishery & Aquaculture, Manufacture of food and beverages, Food service industry

Those who completed TITP2 can work only for work related to profession of TITP2.

<Your advantages>
You have lived in Japan for over three years and worked for a Japanese company. Therefore, you are familiar with Japanese culture and life, and you can understand everyday Japanese conversation.
If you stay in Japan, it is easy for Japanese company to have job interview with you. We advice you to find the next company in 3 months before you finish the TITP2.

2. Pass the skills test

<Conditions to be issued>
To pass the test of skills and Japanese proficiency test that imprement in Japan and overseas.

<Type of job that you can work>
Care Worker, Building cleaning, Management, Machine Parts & Tooling Industries, Industrial machinery industry, Electric, Electronics and Information Industries, Construction Industry, Shipbuilding and Ship Machinery Industry, Automobile repair and maintenance, Aviation Industry, Holel Industry, Agriculture, Fishery & Aquaculture, Manufacture of food and beverages, Food service industry

Those who pass the skills and Japanese language proficiency test can work only for the job that related to the test subject

<Your disadvantages>
People who have never lived in Japan will be puzzled by Japanese culture and customs once they start living in Japan. Just passing the test in Japanese will not make you understand Japanese conversation. It is a big burden for the company to train you. And also, the very disadvantage of you is that the company has to go to your country to have interview with you.
If you are a forign student in Japan, you do not have these disadvantages and good to find a company.

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